Assignment: Solve One-Step And Two-Step Problems Involving Multiplication And Division 3.4K Assignment

Created by KARINA M on

2 activities: 1 game, 1 assessment

17 min

Activity 1: Assessment. Estimated duration: 3 min

Assessment with 3 questions from Solve One-Step And Two-Step Problems Involving Multiplication And Division.

3 questions assessment

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 14 min

PizzaPlication - Pizza Word Problems ➗✖️🍕

👨‍🍳🍕 You have been chosen to help the Head Chef at the PizzaPlication Diner! You'll make pizzas, prepare the tables, and get everything ready for the lunchtime rush. Are you ready? Answer multiplication and division word problems as you visualize tables, plates, and pizzas using arrays and equal groups ➗✖️.


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