Assignment: Forces and Motion 3.PS2.1-1 Assignment

Created by Monica M on

2 activities: 2 games

28 min

Activity 1: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 20 min

Motion In Action

A simple 2D style learning game where a cute imaginative character “Melon” explains patterns of motion and motion predictions through animations and game plays.


Teacher Ratings (12) 4.5 stars.

Student Ratings (9121) 3.9 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 8 min

Newton's Gym

Explore Newton's laws in his gym and learn the concepts of distance, angle, and force! Students will launch various sports balls (basketballs, footballs, and bowling balls) to accomplish objectives like knocking down pins, making baskets, and scoring field goals.


Teacher Ratings (313) 4.3 stars.

Student Ratings (65494) 4.4 stars.