Assignment: Gravity and the Birth of our Solar System MS-ESS1.B-3 Assignment

Created by Michelle T on

2 activities: 2 games

10 min

Activity 1: Question Game. Estimated duration: 5 min

Solar Nebula

In this game, you begin by using the arrow keys to manipulate a dust cloud in space. You will try to run into smaller masses so that you can gain mass and move through the stages of solar system formation. As mass is gained to complete each stage of formation, you can earn additional points by correctly answering relevant multiple choice questions.


Teacher Ratings (84) 4.2 stars.

Student Ratings (15083) 4.1 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 5 min

Space Creator: Solar System

In this game, you will explore the creation of a solar system. You have the opportunity to control the variables that lead to the formation of the universe. In each level, you get to adjust the condition that may or may create a viable solar system. Tips are available to guide you, but you may have more fun experimenting with what works and what doesn't.


Teacher Ratings (23) 3.6 stars.

Student Ratings (7486) 3.4 stars.