Assignment: Molecules and Compounds MS-PS1.A-1b Assignment

Created by kristiana y on

3 activities: 2 games, 1 assessment

22 min

Activity 1: Simulation Game. Estimated duration: 10 min

Build a Molecule - Playground

Build your own molecule, and challenge yourself to build the biggest molecule you can. Find patterns in names of similar compounds, and compare their structures.


Teacher Ratings (4) 4.0 stars.

Student Ratings (573) 3.4 stars.

Activity 2: Assessment. Estimated duration: 3 min

Assessment with 3 questions from Molecules and Compounds.

3 questions assessment

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 9 min

Molecule Builders

Hello, cadet! You have just arrived to the Builder, a lab where you will construct different molecules. As you work through how to build the molecules, you will meet different people along the way who are in charge of the different elements you will need to build the necessary molecules. As you talk with them they provide you information on molecules and compounds, as well as covalent bonding.


Teacher Ratings (395) 4.1 stars.

Student Ratings (64894) 3.6 stars.