Assignment: 8th Grade STAAR Review Assignment #2 iPad

Aryah F (Wild Tornado) Profile Image

Created by Aryah F (Wild Tornado) on

7 activities: 7 games

84 min

Activity 1: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 5 min

Dog Breeder

You are a dog breeder who must use selective breeding techniques to create a desired dog type. Many breeders use selective breeding to breed puppies who can perform specific tasks. You'll need to breed different types of dogs to reach the goal. The challenge occurs when choosing a mate for your dog; choose wisely so that you breed the dog you need!


Teacher Ratings (193) 4.1 stars.

Student Ratings (64471) 4.1 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 15 min


A.L.O, a friendly robot from the future has come back in time in need of your help! The animals of the future are not adapting and becoming extinct! Can you use A.L.O's Adapt-O-Tron to adapt the animals correctly, making them perfectly suited to their environments? Or will you end up with a wolf with a beak or a mouse with hooves!


Teacher Ratings (33) 3.7 stars.

Student Ratings (19133) 4.0 stars.

Activity 3: Question Game. Estimated duration: 6 min


Can you find all the objects in this hidden object game? In this game, you will be taken to various classrooms where you will find different items that answer questions pertaining to the Earth's processes and scales of time and space. Each classroom covers a different topic. You will make your way to the school until you reach the playground.


Teacher Ratings (6) 4.2 stars.

Student Ratings (3336) 3.2 stars.

Activity 4: Question Game. Estimated duration: 13 min

What's Your Reaction? (Mid)

In this game, you'll meet Isaac Newton, and he needs your help getting to a party. He will introduce you to his third law of motion before the game starts. Hop from column to column while collecting coins. You will occasionally land on a special column where you need to answer questions related to Newton's laws and force. If you fall, try answering a question correctly to keep playing.


Teacher Ratings (175) 4.3 stars.

Student Ratings (24828) 3.4 stars.

Activity 5: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 15 min

Newton's Tournament

The king announced a competition for the post of royal engineer. Applicants must use a catapult to pass a series of tests. The player will shoot targets using a catapult, study the influence of Newton's laws, solve problems related to these laws and improve the catapult.


Teacher Ratings (46) 4.4 stars.

Student Ratings (20578) 3.7 stars.

Activity 6: Question Game. Estimated duration: 15 min

Tower Puzzle: Atoms and Elements (Mid)

Put your thinking caps on and get ready for some rapid-fire questions about atoms, elements, and the properties of the periodic table. The more questions you get right the more chances you have to solve the tower puzzle. You need to disassemble the tower quickly while the ball falls to the platform! Learn about atomic structure while working through this fun puzzle.


Teacher Ratings (299) 4.1 stars.

Student Ratings (25196) 3.6 stars.

Activity 7: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 15 min


Help the astronaut build an atom. Using an atom generator located in a distant part of space.


Teacher Ratings (27) 4.6 stars.

Student Ratings (10870) 3.7 stars.