Assignment: FL BEST MA.6.NSO.2.3 Assignment

Jonathan G (Awesome Johnnikins) Profile Image

Created by Jonathan G (Awesome Johnnikins) on

5 activities: 3 games, 2 assessments

60 min

Activity 1: Assessment. Estimated duration: 3 min

Assessment with 3 questions chosen from Multi-Step Problems involving Positive Decimals or Fractions.

3 questions assessment

Activity 2: Question Game. Estimated duration: 20 min


You are tasked with infiltrating the headquarters of a corrupt corporation. You must make it to the mainframe computer on the top floor to collect evidence for an investigation.


Teacher Ratings (215) 4.2 stars.

Student Ratings (150786) 3.8 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 17 min

Decimal Demolition

Learn how to fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide with decimals while taking care of a demolition job! Get that wrecking ball out and ready to go!


Teacher Ratings (42) 3.9 stars.

Student Ratings (7896) 3.9 stars.

Activity 4: Assessment. Estimated duration: 3 min

Assessment with 3 questions chosen from Multi-Step Problems involving Positive Decimals or Fractions.

3 questions assessment

Activity 5: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 17 min

Decimal Demolition

Learn how to fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide with decimals while taking care of a demolition job! Get that wrecking ball out and ready to go!


Teacher Ratings (42) 3.9 stars.

Student Ratings (7896) 3.9 stars.