Assignment: Mixtures vs. Pure Substances SC.8.P.8.9 Assignment

Created by Wanda M on

3 activities: 3 games

27 min

Activity 1: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 5 min

Substance Factory

In this game, you are in a sorting factory. You will have to sort pure substances from mixtures, liquids from solids, and get lab instruments to where they belong. The materials will appear in front of you on a conveyer belt. You'll learn information about what is in front of you to help you make your choice and earn the most points.


Teacher Ratings (117) 3.9 stars.

Student Ratings (53839) 3.9 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 12 min

Pure Substances (Mid)

In this game you will review pure substances, chemical changes and properties, and physical changes and properties. Each concept is demonstrated through various lab activities so that you get a chance to see and understand what you are interacting with. After each mini-lab, you will answer a multiple-choice question to check for your understanding. There are fifteen labs for you to complete!


Teacher Ratings (320) 4.3 stars.

Student Ratings (69907) 3.7 stars.

Activity 3: Simulation Game. Estimated duration: 10 min

pH Scale - Micro

Visualize the relative number of hydroxide ions and hydronium ions in a solution of everyday liquids, and switch between logarithmic and linear scales. Investigate whether changing the volume or diluting with water affects the pH. Note: Students will automatically move through this simulation after 10 minutes of playtime.


Teacher Ratings (0)

Student Ratings (272) 2.7 stars.