Assignment: 12/5 Classwork

Created by Alexsandra A on

6 activities: 3 games, 3 assessments

69 min

Activity 1: Assessment. Estimated duration: 10 min

Assessment with 10 questions from Reference Frames and Scale Units.

10 questions assessment

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 14 min

Ms. Rose & Reference Frames and Units

Ms. Rose, Ms. Rose ... what is the SI unit for length? Play each mini-game to learn new information about motion, frame of reference, units, coordinates and more. Ms. Rose will help you learn about the subject, but you will need to be prepared for the upcoming multiple choice questions. How many points can you earn?


Teacher Ratings (53) 4.0 stars.

Student Ratings (12774) 3.2 stars.

Activity 3: Assessment. Estimated duration: 10 min

Assessment with 10 questions from Reference Frames and Scale Units.

10 questions assessment

Activity 4: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 10 min

Units & Motion

Are you ready to fly? In this game you will be a helicopter pilot demonstrating motion and position frame of reference. You will also learn about SI units and scientific notation. Try to avoid the obstacles! Each time you crash, you will have to answer multiple-choice questions to try again. Play through both rounds to get your final score!


Teacher Ratings (47) 3.9 stars.

Student Ratings (11162) 3.2 stars.

Activity 5: Assessment. Estimated duration: 10 min

Assessment with 10 questions from Reference Frames and Scale Units.

10 questions assessment

Activity 6: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 15 min

Newton's Tournament

The king announced a competition for the post of royal engineer. Applicants must use a catapult to pass a series of tests. The player will shoot targets using a catapult, study the influence of Newton's laws, solve problems related to these laws and improve the catapult.


Teacher Ratings (51) 4.4 stars.

Student Ratings (22118) 3.7 stars.