Assignment: Sun Earth and Moon Legends of Learning

Created by Ashley G on

2 activities: 1 game

31 min

Activity 1: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 29 min

The Space Domes Resort

The famous Space Hero is finally on vacation and he's going to the Space Domes Resort! Eris, the A.I. resort manager will be your host and she will teach you everything about the stars, the sun, the solar system and the Earth! But beware, a hidden threat is waiting and the Earth could be in danger!


Teacher Ratings (99) 4.4 stars.

Student Ratings (40366) 4.0 stars.

Activity 2: Video. Estimated duration: 2 min

2 min video on Relationship of the Sun, Earth, and Moon

2 min video on Relationship of the Sun, Earth, and Moon