Assignment: Chemical Reactions: Arrangements of Atoms

Brooke R (Impossible Nebula) Profile Image

Created by Brooke R (Impossible Nebula) on

4 activities: 2 games

30 min

Activity 1: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 15 min

Chemical Reactions

In this game, you will be introduced to four types of chemical reactions, one at a time. For each type of reaction you need to create, you will be given time on the clock to move the atoms around in the reactants to form the correct products. You will be give information about each product before the level begins. Read carefully so that you can follow the instructions.


Teacher Ratings (137) 4.0 stars.

Student Ratings (17846) 2.8 stars.

Activity 2: Video. Estimated duration: 1 min

1 min video on Chemical Reactions: Arrangements of Atoms

1 min video on Chemical Reactions: Arrangements of Atoms

Activity 3: Question Game. Estimated duration: 13 min

Chemiflage (Mid)

Do you feel the chemistry? You will learn about chemical and physical changes in this game. You will be asked to match items at each level under a time limit. If you don't make your matches in time, you will have to answer questions to get more time. But be careful! Some of those matches are well hidden! Keep answering questions to move up all the levels.


Teacher Ratings (67) 3.4 stars.

Student Ratings (7594) 3.2 stars.

Activity 4: Video. Estimated duration: 1 min

1 min video on Chemical Reactions: Arrangements of Atoms

1 min video on Chemical Reactions: Arrangements of Atoms