Assignment: Terrestrial Biomes and Aquatic Ecosystems S7L4.d Assignment

Created by Jasmine B on

3 activities: 2 games, 1 assessment

28 min

Activity 1: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 15 min

Deep Sea Adventure (Mid)

Explore the deep sea and try to survive and find your place in the food chain. Eat enough food, and you can go up the food chain, playing as different animals.


Teacher Ratings (8) 2.9 stars.

Student Ratings (7851) 4.2 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 10 min

Ant Colony

Help Ant and Rook in a set of challenges to establish an Ant Colony. Cooperate, interact and fight with the ecosystem to achieve your goals. Enjoy an immersive experience in the 3D world full of adventures and absorbing minigames! This game teaches iteractions in eocosystems and interdependent relationships in ecosystems concepts.


Teacher Ratings (31) 4.4 stars.

Student Ratings (22177) 3.7 stars.

Activity 3: Assessment. Estimated duration: 3 min

Assessment with 3 questions from Terrestrial Biomes and Aquatic Ecosystems.

3 questions assessment