Assignment: Chemical Reactions: Evidence of a Reaction MS-PS1.B-1b Assignment

Created by Melissa R on

4 activities: 4 games

49 min

Activity 1: Simulation Game. Estimated duration: 10 min

Reactants, Products and Leftovers - Game

Play a game to test your understanding of reactants, products and leftovers. Determine the number of reactants from the products and leftovers, or vice versa. Can you get a perfect score on each level? Note: Students will automatically move through this simulation after 10 minutes of playtime.


Teacher Ratings (9) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (2112) 2.7 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 9 min

React Lab

Dan the adventure mouse needs your help with some chemistry. He's gotten himself in a real pickle by getting lost in the chemistry building. The only way out is to find the exit, but there are obstacles everywhere. He needs your help to combine the right reactants together to make the correct products to find a solution. With the power of chemicals, help Dan find his way out.


Teacher Ratings (123) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (25689) 4.0 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 9 min

React Lab

Dan the adventure mouse needs your help with some chemistry. He's gotten himself in a real pickle by getting lost in the chemistry building. The only way out is to find the exit, but there are obstacles everywhere. He needs your help to combine the right reactants together to make the correct products to find a solution. With the power of chemicals, help Dan find his way out.


Teacher Ratings (123) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (25689) 4.0 stars.

Activity 4: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 21 min

Chemical Reaction - Evidence of a Reaction

You are a young scientist with the chance to explore and learn about chemical reactions. You will walk through fifteen different labs to help you understand chemical reactions. You will mix chemicals to see whether a chemical reaction takes place. Afterwards, you will learn about the reactants and products from your chemical reactions. There are fifteen labs for you to complete!


Teacher Ratings (231) 4.2 stars.

Student Ratings (25790) 3.4 stars.