Newton Pool
The game consists of hand-crafted levels where the player controls a white ball. The goal of each level is to get the white ball to the end of the level in as few moves as possible, while racking up points by bumping golden balls into obstacles on the way! The game does not have any instructional math content, it simply has math review questions spread throughout.
Teacher Ratings (725)
4.0 stars.
Student Ratings (248496)
4.0 stars.
You are tasked with infiltrating the headquarters of a corrupt corporation. You must make it to the mainframe computer on the top floor to collect evidence for an investigation.
Teacher Ratings (215)
4.2 stars.
Student Ratings (151189)
3.8 stars.
Mathmagic Kingdom
Elaborate bubbling potions, learn new enchantments, travel on magical creatures, and dominate the art of Mathmagic power by solving problems and magical situations of proportions and percentages. Help us return the villagers to their original form and become a Mathmagic Master!
Teacher Ratings (55)
4.1 stars.
Student Ratings (5899)
3.9 stars.