Assignment: Animal Reproduction Strategies 8.LS1.4-1 Assignment

Created by Tami M on

3 activities: 3 games

34 min

Activity 1: Question Game. Estimated duration: 14 min

Strategic Adventure

In this game you will learn how different animals attempt to mate with each other. You will answer questions about different reproductive strategies of animals. You will jump along a tricky path to avoid obstacles, answer questions, rack up points, and progress to the next level of play. At the end, a short quiz will make sure you have mastered the topic.


Teacher Ratings (14) 3.6 stars.

Student Ratings (1888) 3.1 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 8 min

Lab Rat Fungus Muncher

Ratilda will teach you about the difference between asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction by comparing animals (munchers) and fungus. You will learn about the two types of reproduction, and you will stop the spread of fungi with your munchers that eat fungi! There are six labs to complete with questions at the end of each lab.


Teacher Ratings (65) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (19219) 3.3 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 12 min

The Wild Ones - Survival Strategies

Help a lovestruck buck fend off rivals while he pursues his one true love. Protect your herd of elephants from skulking lions and raise your babies to adulthood in the savanna. Roam the skies in search of materials for a bald eagle's nest during the day while protecting its eggs from thieving predators at night!


Teacher Ratings (62) 4.1 stars.

Student Ratings (17063) 4.2 stars.