Assignment: Types of Forces SC.6.P.13.1 Assignment

Patricia M (Strong Carbon) Profile Image

Created by Patricia M (Strong Carbon) on

2 activities: 2 games

24 min

Activity 1: Question Game. Estimated duration: 14 min

Hidden Force (Mid)

Force fields are an important aspect of many science fiction stories. In this game, you will learn the science behind the different types of force fields. You will play a game in which you'll need to locate certain objects within a specified amount of time. In order to obtain more time to accomplish this task, you will be answering questions about force fields.


Teacher Ratings (17) 3.5 stars.

Student Ratings (3214) 3.1 stars.

Activity 2: Simulation Game. Estimated duration: 10 min

Gravity Force Lab: Basics

See the gravitational force that two massive objects exert on each other. Discover the factors that affect gravitational attraction, and determine how adjusting these factors will change the gravitational force. Note: Students will automatically move through this simulation after 10 minutes of playtime.


Teacher Ratings (2) 2.0 stars.

Student Ratings (1579) 2.6 stars.