Assignment: Plate Tectonics and Sea Floor Spreading

Melissa W (Sunny Meteor) Profile Image

Created by Melissa W (Sunny Meteor) on

5 activities: 5 games

46 min

Activity 1: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 6 min

Seafloor Secrets

In this game, you will learn about the structures and functions of oceanic landforms. You will explore the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its forms. Learn how the mantle makes a new crust and pushes out of the center of the mid-ocean ridge and match sea-floor land forms to their functions. Click on the correct answer to move forward in the game. Have fun recreating the ocean.


Teacher Ratings (90) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (20902) 3.1 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 5 min

Search For The Seafloor (Mid)

In this game you will learn more about the many features of the deepest parts of the world: the seafloor. Help Jacques navigate his sub in the deep seas. Use his sub to take important pictures of the seafloor, but you will need to be careful. You will have to look out for sea mines and look for energy to increase your area of visibility. Good luck Mr. Cousteau! In this game you will learn more about the many features of the deepest parts of the world: the seafloor. Help Jacques navigate his sub in the deep seas. Use his sub to take important pictures of the seafloor, but you will need to be careful. You will have to look out for sea mines and look for energy to increase your area of visibility. Good luck Mr. Cousteau! Note: When playing this game on iPad, it should be played in a Chrome Browser rather than Safari.


Teacher Ratings (68) 4.0 stars.

Student Ratings (20817) 3.7 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 10 min

Tectonic Designers

Become a tectonic designer and help a friendly alien in a set of challenges to recreate the earth. The story guides the player through interactive tasks located in the 3D world. This game teaches plate tectonics and large-scale system interactions concepts.


Teacher Ratings (79) 4.0 stars.

Student Ratings (40842) 3.4 stars.

Activity 4: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 10 min

Walter's Travels - Tectonic Plates (Mid)

Join Walter on an exploration of Earth's interior and discover information about tectonic plates. The tectonic plates are like puzzles just waiting to get put together. In this game, you'll get to play some puzzles and learn about the tectonic plates. You'll move and shake through the lessons before you unlock arcade mode where you can earn a high score! Are you ready for this ground shaking adventure?


Teacher Ratings (305) 4.2 stars.

Student Ratings (105297) 3.4 stars.

Activity 5: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 15 min


Your city has been destroyed by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and floods all caused by plate tectonics. You must escape the disaster!


Teacher Ratings (57) 4.4 stars.

Student Ratings (33028) 3.9 stars.