Assignment: 6th Grade Personal Financial Literacy 6.14A Assignment

Created by PAMELA S on

2 activities: 2 games

35 min

Activity 1: Question Game. Estimated duration: 12 min

Basketball Master

Shoot a basketball through the hoop and answer some questions along the way! The game does not have any instructional content, it simply has review questions spread throughout.


Teacher Ratings (953) 3.9 stars.

Student Ratings (297894) 3.9 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 23 min

Merlin's Tower - Financial Magic

A nefarious credit monster is doing its best to ensure that everyone struggles with their financial education. As one of Merlin's gifted students, you are enlisted with the task of saving the townsfolk and fellow students from terrible financial catastrophe!


Teacher Ratings (8) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (883) 4.0 stars.