Find Area By Counting Unit Squares
Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m, square in, square ft, and improvised units)
Teacher Ratings (2)
5.0 stars.
Student Ratings (278)
3.5 stars.
Unit Square Construction
Sam is expanding the city by building new structures at the outskirts and you have been hired to verify his blueprints. In this game by Zapzapmath, students will measure areas by counting unit squares.
Teacher Ratings (11)
4.2 stars.
Student Ratings (4223)
3.9 stars.
Unit Square Construction
Sam is expanding the city by building new structures at the outskirts and you have been hired to verify his blueprints. In this game by Zapzapmath, students will measure areas by counting unit squares.
Teacher Ratings (11)
4.2 stars.
Student Ratings (4223)
3.9 stars.