Assignment: Elemental Molecules vs. Compound Molecules 7.PS1.2 Assignment

Created by Jennifer V on

8 activities: 8 games

117 min

Activity 1: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 11 min

Molecool (Mid)

Get ready for a high definition learning experience where you will learn about atoms and molecules. You'll learn how molecules form and come together by controlling putting the parts together yourself. You will move the atoms and particles to see first-hand how molecules are created. Have fun, and get ready to read and answer questions as you go along!


Teacher Ratings (117) 3.9 stars.

Student Ratings (24625) 3.7 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 15 min

Ms. Rose & Atoms and Elements!

Do you know what the periodic table of elements is? No, it's not a table that disappears and then re-appears periodically! In this game, you will be given information about atoms, elements, and how the periodic table was created. Earn badges as you advance through Mrs. Rose's lessons on the atom. It will prepare you for building your own atoms. Good luck!


Teacher Ratings (242) 4.0 stars.

Student Ratings (44496) 3.6 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 18 min

Molecular Mastery

Frank the Furball needs to collect atoms for ten different molecules. Before you search for the atoms, you will learn about the molecule you need to create. You will have three tries to help Frank find the atoms he needs without falling. If you can't help Frank find the right atoms, you can still move to the next level to keep learning about molecules.


Teacher Ratings (77) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (14094) 3.3 stars.

Activity 4: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 9 min

Molecule Builders

Hello, cadet! You have just arrived to the Builder, a lab where you will construct different molecules. As you work through how to build the molecules, you will meet different people along the way who are in charge of the different elements you will need to build the necessary molecules. As you talk with them they provide you information on molecules and compounds, as well as covalent bonding.


Teacher Ratings (395) 4.1 stars.

Student Ratings (64906) 3.6 stars.

Activity 5: Question Game. Estimated duration: 12 min

Escape Is Elementary (Mid)

Help your character escape! In this game, you are an atom and must travel to collect supplies so that you can open a door. You must collect three batteries so that you can light your flashlight. Once you've lit your flashlight, you will be able to find the key to the door to reach the next level. You'll answer questions about atoms and elements along the way.


Teacher Ratings (660) 4.2 stars.

Student Ratings (56600) 3.8 stars.

Activity 6: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 12 min

Pure Substances (Mid)

In this game you will review pure substances, chemical changes and properties, and physical changes and properties. Each concept is demonstrated through various lab activities so that you get a chance to see and understand what you are interacting with. After each mini-lab, you will answer a multiple-choice question to check for your understanding. There are fifteen labs for you to complete!


Teacher Ratings (320) 4.3 stars.

Student Ratings (69904) 3.7 stars.

Activity 7: Question Game. Estimated duration: 15 min

Tower Puzzle: Atoms and Elements (Mid)

Put your thinking caps on and get ready for some rapid-fire questions about atoms, elements, and the properties of the periodic table. The more questions you get right the more chances you have to solve the tower puzzle. You need to disassemble the tower quickly while the ball falls to the platform! Learn about atomic structure while working through this fun puzzle.


Teacher Ratings (299) 4.1 stars.

Student Ratings (25196) 3.6 stars.

Activity 8: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 25 min

Molecule Maker

Play as an alien from a distant universe on a mission to discover the secrets of matter and its building structures on planet Earth. Learn about molecules and compounds, while also being able to relate these to notions in everyday life.


Teacher Ratings (58) 4.5 stars.

Student Ratings (20833) 3.9 stars.