Assignment: Geologic Time Scale 7.2.6 Assignment

Created by Riley D on

3 activities: 3 games

36 min

Activity 1: Question Game. Estimated duration: 7 min

Lisa The Geologist

In this game, you will help Lisa, a future geologist, answer questions to fulfill her requirements to become the best geologist. This game consists of two mini-games. In the first game, you will answer questions about geologic time in a game show style quiz. When you have answered all the questions correctly, you will be tested one more time by the Geological Society in a matching game.


Teacher Ratings (55) 3.9 stars.

Student Ratings (14191) 3.5 stars.

Activity 2: Question Game. Estimated duration: 16 min

Grabber: Geologic Time

Get ready to use the claw to grab objects related to geologic time! In this game, you will move to different levels by answering questions correctly. Put your knowledge about geologic time scales and the Earth's composition into action as you grab rocks. Aim your grabber and try to grab away. Once you've cleared all objects from the ground, you have won!


Teacher Ratings (47) 3.6 stars.

Student Ratings (6365) 2.9 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 13 min

Time Stacker: Unearth the Past (Mid)

Watch the Earth move before your very eyes! You will learn about fossil records, geologic events, and dating! You will watch rock layers build and geologic events happen. With the information from the lesson, answer questions about fossils and rock layers. When you find the hidden letters, they will unscramble to a secret word or phrase!


Teacher Ratings (196) 4.3 stars.

Student Ratings (26626) 3.4 stars.