Assignment: Atomic Structure 8.5A Assignment

Created by Mark F on

3 activities: 1 game, 1 assessment

42 min

Activity 1: Assessment. Estimated duration: 20 min

Assessment with 20 questions chosen from Atomic Structure.

20 questions assessment

Activity 2: Video. Estimated duration: 2 min

2 min video on Atomic Structure

2 min video on Atomic Structure

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 20 min

Atomic Scientist

You are a scientist and your main computer is broken. You and your robot friend will go together in a shrinking machine to the microscopic world where you can use advanced technology to synthesize atoms that you'll need to fix the computer! Play fun minigames where you will understand everything about atoms and elements!


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Student Ratings (20631) 3.9 stars.