Assignment: Factors Affecting Ecosystems S7L4.c Assignment

John M (Leroy Waddlebop) Profile Image

Created by John M (Leroy Waddlebop) on

3 activities: 3 games

45 min

Activity 1: Question Game. Estimated duration: 17 min

Octopus Factor

You need to get the octopus back in the water by dropping boxes on top of the platform. You'll have to use good aim and strategy to be successful with this task. Along the way, you will also answer multiple-choice questions about ecosystems and populations. Once you successfully complete all six modules, you will win the game!


Teacher Ratings (28) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (4365) 3.1 stars.

Activity 2: Question Game. Estimated duration: 20 min


You are tasked with infiltrating the headquarters of a corrupt corporation. You must make it to the mainframe computer on the top floor to collect evidence for an investigation.


Teacher Ratings (200) 4.3 stars.

Student Ratings (138625) 3.8 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 8 min

EcoKingdoms: Changes Over Time

You've been hired as a park manager. Your success depends on the decisions you make. Each decision will affect four key components of the park: animal life, plant life, tourism, and money. You need to think about the impact of your choice on the four key components. Make wise choices, keep an eye on your components level, and you'll do just fine.


Teacher Ratings (55) 3.9 stars.

Student Ratings (15583) 3.7 stars.