Assignment: The Sun, Moon, and Stars: Patterns of Apparent Motion MS-ESS1.A-1a Assignment

Created by Kaeo W on

3 activities: 3 games

33 min

Activity 1: Question Game. Estimated duration: 16 min

Galactic Monkey (Mid)

In this game, a monkey will teach you about galaxies and the universe. You'll need to remember what you've learned, because the monkey needs your help! You will need to pop the bubbles to save the monkey from the perils of outer-space. Each step of the way you'll gain a little more knowledge about the rules that govern space.


Teacher Ratings (95) 4.2 stars.

Student Ratings (13953) 3.9 stars.

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 12 min

GigaGalaxa: Milky Way and other Galaxies

In this game, your knowledge about galaxies will be tested. Questions will pop up on the screen. Your task is to shoot the correct answer for points. If you shoot the wrong answer, points are deducted. Reach your target score and you will advance to the next level, but watch out for other invading ships. Destroy them before moving on!


Teacher Ratings (70) 4.2 stars.

Student Ratings (14436) 3.5 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 5 min

Science Fair: Patterns of Motion (Mid)

You will help a fellow student create a science project about how the Earth, moon, and sun move around each other. You will help the student design his model, learn the cause of the seasons, and identify different types of solar and lunar eclipses. This game might help you create your next science fair project or just help you visualize how the Earth, moon, and sun interact.


Teacher Ratings (72) 4.1 stars.

Student Ratings (27478) 3.4 stars.