Assignment: Plate Tectonics

Created by Natasha D on

5 activities: 2 games, 1 assessment

72 min

Activity 1: Assessment. Estimated duration: 15 min

Earth's Layers & Tectonic Movement

15 questions assessment

Natasha D  Profile Image Natasha D

Activity 2: Video. Estimated duration: 11 min

11 min video on Plate Tectonics

11 min video on Plate Tectonics

Activity 3: Video. Estimated duration: 11 min

11 min video on Plate Tectonics

11 min video on Plate Tectonics

Activity 4: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 20 min

Itchy Earth

In this game we explore the Earth and the different plate tectonics from space, reconstructing Earth like a puzzle. In the later stages we meet the fictional Rocky Massagers, creatures that ease the pressure points on plate boundaries.


Teacher Ratings (10) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (5419) 3.3 stars.

Activity 5: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 15 min

The Secret Base: Plate Tectonics

Ready to visit our secret base at the core of Planet Earth? Come learn about plate tectonic and the planet's structure with our crew! We have information, activities, and an all you can eat buffet!


Teacher Ratings (33) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (16319) 3.7 stars.