Assignment: Structure of Matter ES-PS1.A-1 Assignment

Created by Ashley D on

3 activities: 2 games, 1 assessment

20 min

Activity 1: Assessment. Estimated duration: 3 min

Assessment with 3 questions from Structure of Matter.

3 questions assessment

Activity 2: Simulation Game. Estimated duration: 10 min

States of Matter: Basics - Phase Changes

Heat, cool, and compress atoms and molecules and watch as they change between solid, liquid and gas phases. Pump more atoms and molecules into the system or change the temperature or volume of a container, and see a pressure-temperature diagram respond in real time. Note: Students will automatically move through this simulation after 10 minutes of playtime.


Teacher Ratings (38) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (19538) 3.5 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 7 min

Matter Memory

With the help of special molecule vision glasses, learn about the basic knowledge of matter. Perform some cool experiments and test your knowledge in a memory game where you have the match substances with the same states of matter!


Teacher Ratings (555) 4.3 stars.

Student Ratings (135729) 4.1 stars.