Assignment: 6.4H Convert Units Within A Measurement System Using Proportions And Unit Rates

Allison M (Frozen Vertex) Profile Image

Created by Allison M (Frozen Vertex) on

5 activities: 3 games, 2 assessments

48 min

Activity 1: Assessment. Estimated duration: 5 min

Assessment with 5 questions chosen from Convert Units Within A Measurement System Using Proportions And Unit Rates.

5 questions assessment

Activity 2: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 9 min

Ratio Converter

This awesome conversion machine can turn measuring tape into signs, change bottles into different sizes, and much more. In this game by Zapzapmath, students will test their understanding of the concept of ratio and the use of ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities.


Teacher Ratings (11) 3.4 stars.

Student Ratings (3872) 3.1 stars.

Activity 3: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 20 min

Submarine Captain

Become the captain of a submarine, learn how to drive it through a hazardous minefield, and escape from the enemy submarine who is hunting you.


Teacher Ratings (18) 3.8 stars.

Student Ratings (3307) 3.5 stars.

Activity 4: Instructional Game. Estimated duration: 9 min

Ratio Converter

This awesome conversion machine can turn measuring tape into signs, change bottles into different sizes, and much more. In this game by Zapzapmath, students will test their understanding of the concept of ratio and the use of ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities.


Teacher Ratings (11) 3.4 stars.

Student Ratings (3872) 3.1 stars.

Activity 5: Assessment. Estimated duration: 5 min

Assessment with 5 questions from Convert Units Within A Measurement System Using Proportions And Unit Rates.

5 questions assessment